Exofleet Adventures

 Hello, Welcome to the development diary of my most recent tabletop RPG project, Exofleet Adventures. 


To develop a full featured fan made (free, not for profit etc.) tabletop RPG set in the Exosquad universe created by Jeff Segal and developed by Mark and Michael Edens. 


A few days ago I decided that I wanted to work on a large RPG project. After asking some of my comrades and gaming buddies about properties they wish had an RPG one of them mentioned Exosquad. I was immediately attracted to the idea of working on an Exosquad RPG due to the challenges that the setting presents. Exosquad lasted more than 50 episodes and offers a large amount of content to work with.

To me one of the most interesting challenges presented by the Exosquad property is the challenge of presenting scale. Exosquad routinely showed human scale combat, e-frame scale combat, fighter combat, larger mecha combat, and naval scale combat. Making a tabletop game that can accurately represent combat at each of these scales is a unique challenge that I find very interesting. 

What to expect from this diary:

The main purpose of this diary is to document the process of development from start to finish. I am writing it for myself as a way to stay organized and stay on task. I don't have much of an audience in mind for this particular diary although I am hoping that Exosquad and gaming fans might find the final product useful. 

Going forward I will do short write ups about the development process and the research process as I create and write this game. I will be creating a unique full featured RPG system for use with the Exosquad setting. My intention is to end up with a commercial quality product that I can offer for free as a fan work. When I take inspiration from other systems or works it will be noted here and in the final product as I believe in giving credit where credit is due. 


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