Factions/ Setting

 When I started this project I chose Exosquad at the recommendation of a friend. When I was a kid I remember really liking Exosquad and in fact I had a handful of the toys, but I am not a lifelong fan. When I decided to make Exofleet Adventures one thing I knew I would have to do is watch the entire series as research for the game. Luckily one of my buddies had the complete series on DVD so I was able to borrow the discs from him. 

One of the things that stood out about Exosquad is the relatively complex plot and setting for a kids show of this era. In the 90's most kids shows were basically commercials for toys. The plots were simple good guys vs bad guys stuff. Exosquad, while definitely tied to a toy line was a little "deeper" than your average show from that time. 

I remembered from my childhood that the primary forces involved in the show were the humans as the good guys and the neosapiens as the villains. Even as a kid I remember there was some ambiguity with the morality of the two factions. The humans created the neosapiens but then treated them as a slave race. The neosapiens were waging a war of extermination against the humans but many neosapiens saw the war as the only chance they had for survival. Humans are not always presented in a positive light and neosapiens were frequently sympathetic. 

Now that I am about halfway through the first season I am surprised at how many factions are represented and how large the cast of characters is. The neosapiens are the primary antagonists but there are also human pirates, resistance forces on Earth, Mars and Venus, There are mutinous forces among the Exofleet and even the different neosapien generals lead their forces in different ways. General Draconis on Venus for example is much more genocidal than the other neosapien except for maybe Phaeton himself. 

This was a pleasant discovery for me. Thinking in terms of the tabletop its a great asset for this setting to have so many diverse and philosophically distinct factions. Players could be members of any one of these factions and be in conflict with any other faction within the canon of the show. 

Researching/rewatching exosquad has been a fun project. Hopefully some time this week I will have another rules/gameplay update. 

Exofleet Adventures 9/2/20


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